Sunday, May 19, 2019

People Along the Way

   Sometimes, I wonder if I actually like traveling.  At this point, I have been all over the world and if I’m truly honest the logistics can be tedious, long hot days in the saddle can be exhausting, and finding a place to sleep can be stressful.  I also tend to travel solo a lot which can be painfully lonely at times.  These elements are almost never portrayed in social media or blogs because it’s not glamorous, but it’s important that they’re both given their space in this blog.  They will show their faces again, I’m sure of it.
   Today was my rest day and I was reminded that it doesn’t matter if I like traveling or not, because I love the people I meet.  My new friends, David and Joanne, hosted me and my friend the last two nights.  After yesterday’s heat, I didn’t have the energy to be social but today we spent a large part of the evening together.  We chatted about books, bikes, politics, and neutron stars colliding (nerds!).  
   David, supported by Joanne and their daughter, biked across the country a few years back, and  Joanne, well shit, I think she’s done just about everything there is to do.  Both of them have lived their lives to the fullest and, because of it, are fascinating to be around.  Between the two of them, their doesn’t seem to be a problem they can’t solve.  David bragged about Joanne’s tiling job in the dining room after entertaining us on the back porch he built.  They have lived in their home for the last 35 years and when you enter it you feel the love and the vigor they have put into every inch of it.  Thank you both for being so kind and generous during our stay. Much love.
David and Joanne
Charlottesville, VA