Sunday, May 12, 2019

Slow Beginnings

   Well, today was supposed to be the big day, but yesterday I found myself running around DC trying to get last minute things taken care of at an obnoxious rate.  Whether it was picking up small items at the store or visiting friends and family, I felt overwhelmingly stressed and rushed.  It certainly didn’t help that a large weather system was projected to move through the area over the next two days.
   Don’t get me wrong, I expected some last minute jitters (and crappy weather) but something felt wrong about my final day in DC.
   As I sat and ate lunch with my Dad, I realized that I hadn’t even left yet and was already missing one of the key points of the trip—to relax.  I was leaving on the 12th was because I said so and there was nothing stopping me from changing that date.  So I did.
   The moment I pushed it back I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders... That’s not true at all really.  I still felt a bit stressed, but felt that I gave myself the time I needed to take care of all the small stuff before I rolled out.  


  1. Well done!

    Because fuck rush. Because fuck cultural obsession with accomplishment and doing. Because there is also being and (for heaven’s sake, and for that of peer reviewed science) softness and slowed down. Because a beginning is auspicious and deserves the tenderness of patience.

    You’re doing beautifully already.

    Also, yay Mark blog!

  2. You'll be glad you waited. Just enjoy :)
